Simplify Code with JavaScript’s Destructuring Assignment

Effortlessly pull values out of arrays and objects

Max N
2 min readFeb 21, 2024

JavaScript wizards code quickly and clearly by using the full capacity of the language. To work fast at scale, you need to get good at destructuring — a surprisingly underused feature for flexible value assignment from arrays or objects.

Let’s shed light on this obscure yet game-changing language element to level up your skills!

Destructuring Objects

Destructuring lets us unpack object properties into distinct variables easily in one shot.

For example, say we have a settings object:

const settings = {
notifications: true,
theme: 'dark'

We can get the values by destructuring into variables on assignment:

const {notifications, theme} = settings;
console.log(notifications); // true
console.log(theme); // 'dark'

Nice and clean without repetitive dot notation!

Destructuring Arrays

Similarly, array elements can be destructured into individual variables:

const languages = ['JavaScript', 'Python', 'C++'];
const [first, second] = languages;
console.log(first); //…



Max N
Max N

Written by Max N

A writer that writes about JavaScript and Python to beginners. If you find my articles helpful, feel free to follow.

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