Evade Blunders & Traps in Event Bubbling & Capturing

Steer clear of common missteps plaguing novice and seasoned developers alike, optimizing event handling workflows

Max N
2 min readApr 10, 2024
Photo by Lucas K on Unsplash

Acquire valuable insights from real-life cases, mitigating frustrations and improving response times. Read on to discover recurring issues and avoid costly errors.

Mistake #1: Misunderstanding Phases

Neglecting subtle distinctions separating capture and bubbling leads to confusion. Remember:

  • Capture Phase: Descends from ancestors to targeted element.
  • Bubbling Phase: Ascends from target to original source.

Imbibe this mental model to ensure accurate implementation.

Code Snippet Showcase: Distinctive Behavior Analysis

Dissect a hypothetical scenario involving two nested containers, revealing disparities between phases:

<div id="containerOne">
Container One
<div id="containerTwo">
Container Two
const containerOne = document.getElementById('containerOne');
const containerTwo = document.getElementById('containerTwo');

containerOne.addEventListener('click', () => {…



Max N
Max N

Written by Max N

A writer that writes about JavaScript and Python to beginners. If you find my articles helpful, feel free to follow.

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